Arrowood and The Meeting House Murders

The Times Audiobook of the Week (July 17, 2021).

This is Victorian London in all its grit and grime and Finlay clearly knows his history but applies it with a light touch. He revels in the muck and mayhem of the city … the story is full of life and flashes of black humourEvening Standard full review here

The 4th Arroowood book was published July 8, 2021 in UK, Ireland, N. America and a few other English-language territories. You can order it here. It’s set among the exhibitions and ‘freak shows’ of Victorian London. I’ll be adding some photos to this page very soon.

Here’s a little blog post about writing and publishing the book.

Here’s a short article on the true story that inspired this book.

A Violet from Mother’s Grave – Black Mary’s song. Sang in the Pelican, where Molly was working when Norman ran into her.
Pretty Polly Perkins from Paddington Green – sung by a street choir of soldiers in the book